
Title: Ungifted

Author: Gordon Korman

280 Pages

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Date read: July 2019 (Sixth Grade)

Synopsis: Donovan is in huge trouble. He made a huge mistake when he knocked the head off of an Atlas statue at his school which rolled around damaging the gym. Shortly after he is invited into the gifted program. Donovan doesn’t understand why he’s there, but he knows he shouldn’t be there, he should be in detention or expelled, and it’s the perfect place to hide. Donovan’s experience at the Academy is truly unique!

4 stars

Review: I enjoyed this book a lot. I found the nerdy humor very interesting. I also really liked the friendship problems that Donovan had. It was very intriguing to watch how he changed as a person during his stay at the Academy; and how he changed everyone else! I would recommend this to anyone still in school or anyone who likes humor.