Belly Up

Title: Belly Up

Author: Stuart Gibbs

320 Pages

Genre: Mystery, Realistic fiction

Date read: 2017 (Fourth Grade)

Synopsis: When someone kills FunJungle Zoo’s mascot, the hippo, everyone is horrified. Teddy decides to investigate. Teddy’s parents both work at the zoo, so Teddy has access to the zoo. Teddy discovers that the death of the mascot might not be the accident that it seems to be.

4 stars

Review: I really liked this book when I was in fourth grade because it was very interesting and I couldn’t put it down. I really liked the mystery because it was very well thought out. I enjoyed trying to solve the mystery with Teddy. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes animals, comedy, or mysteries

People Like Us

By Dana Mele

384 pages

Genre: Mystery, Realistic Fiction

Date read: November 2018 (Sixth Grade)

Synopsis: Kay Donovan is out at the lake after a late party, and finds a dead body. The body belongs to a girl at her school. When Kay returns to her room, she finds an email from the same girl that she found dead. It seems like she programmed it to send after she died. In the email is a website that leads to an image of a kitchen. The website is the girl’s revenge plan. In the kitchen, is a coded recipe that gives her instructions on how carry out the revenge. If she doesn’t follow through within 24 hours, her deepest secret will be revealed to the whole school.

3.5 stars

Review: I gave this book a 3.5 star rating because it was very enjoyable. I liked the overall plot a lot. The mystery of the whole book was very addictive. The book was a bit confusing sometimes, and it got slow too. The book was definitely worth reading though. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a good mystery.