Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Title: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Author: James Patterson

432 Pages

Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure/Survival, Series

Date read: September 2019 (seventh Grade)

Synopsis: Max and her flock are humans that were genetically altered to have wings. They were experimented on in a lab and, with the help of Jeb, escaped. Jeb disappeared, and they now live peacefully in the mountains with Max as their leader. Until the youngest of the six, Angel, gets taken by Erasers, human-wolf mutants, back to the lab. It’s up to Max and her flock to save Angel!


Review: I really enjoyed this book because the characters were all very relatable. The way it was told was also very personal; it was like Max was having a conversation about her adventures with me. I also liked the part where they get to fly. Thanks to this book if anyone asks what I want for a superpower, I want to be able to fly! I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a fast series.

The Maze Runner

Title: The Maze Runner

Author: James Dashner

375 Pages

Genre: Dystopian, series, adventure/survival

Date read: November 2019 (Seventh grade)

Synopsis: Thomas wakes up in a box knowing nothing but his name. When the box opens, a crowd of boys surrounds him. They tell him that he is in the glade. They are stuck in the middle of a maze with no known way out. Everyday the Runners go out and brave the dangers of the maze in hopes to find an exit. Supplies come weekly, and a new boy comes every month. After Thomas comes, things in the maze start to change for the worse.


Review: I really enjoyed all the adventure of the book. I thought it was very well written. It was very exciting, and it had me on the edge of my seat for the whole book. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a good adventure survival book, or one with friendship.

Spy School

Title: Spy School

Author: Stuart Gibbs

290 Pages

Genre: Comedy, Action, Realistic Fiction

Date read: 2017 (Fifth Grade)

Synopsis: Ben Ripley comes home to a spy in his house. The spy wants to recruit Ben Ripley, a nerd, to be a part of a spy school for kids working for the CIA. The recruits at the spy school are all better than Ben. Ben’s struggles in the spy school will make you laugh.

4.5 Stars

Review: I really enjoyed this book. I got weird stares from my family when I laughed out loud. This book sounds dark at first, but it’s very light hearted, and I loved the spy school idea. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants something funny.

Belly Up

Title: Belly Up

Author: Stuart Gibbs

320 Pages

Genre: Mystery, Realistic fiction

Date read: 2017 (Fourth Grade)

Synopsis: When someone kills FunJungle Zoo’s mascot, the hippo, everyone is horrified. Teddy decides to investigate. Teddy’s parents both work at the zoo, so Teddy has access to the zoo. Teddy discovers that the death of the mascot might not be the accident that it seems to be.

4 stars

Review: I really liked this book when I was in fourth grade because it was very interesting and I couldn’t put it down. I really liked the mystery because it was very well thought out. I enjoyed trying to solve the mystery with Teddy. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes animals, comedy, or mysteries

Among the Hidden

Title: Among the Hidden

Author: Margaret Peterson Haddix

153 Pages

Genre: Science fiction, dystopian

Date read: August 2019 (Seventh Grade)

Synopsis: Luke is a third child. That basically means that he’s illegal. In the word that Luke lives in, parents are allowed two children. He has to hide every minute of his life, can’t go outside, and doesn’t know anyone outside his family. There has always been a forest outside Luke’s house. That changes when it is chopped down to make room for houses for Barons. One day he sees a shadow in a house. He was sure that everyone in the family had left for work. What he decides to do about it will forever impact his life…

4 stars

Review: What really made this book was the intensity. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest during certain parts of the book. It felt horrible to put myself in Luke’s shoes because he’s forced to hide his whole life. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes intense books, dystopian books, or wants to try something new!


Title: Found

Author: Margaret Peterson Haddix

336 pages

Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure/Survival

Date read: May 2019 (Sixth Grade)

Synopsis: Jonah is an orphan who lives in the 21st century. He has always felt like he doesn’t belong. One day he starts to get letters that have only a few words on them. He finds out more about his past and who he is. The truth is surprising…..

4 stars

Review: I gave this book a 4 star rating because I liked the plot. It was super unexpected. The plot twists were well done. This book is a good science fiction, but the science fiction was hard to understand at times. The humor in the book was good as well, and it was fun to read. The book did get slow partway through, but it was definitely worth it. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants something short and easy to read.