Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Title: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Author: James Patterson

432 Pages

Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure/Survival, Series

Date read: September 2019 (seventh Grade)

Synopsis: Max and her flock are humans that were genetically altered to have wings. They were experimented on in a lab and, with the help of Jeb, escaped. Jeb disappeared, and they now live peacefully in the mountains with Max as their leader. Until the youngest of the six, Angel, gets taken by Erasers, human-wolf mutants, back to the lab. It’s up to Max and her flock to save Angel!


Review: I really enjoyed this book because the characters were all very relatable. The way it was told was also very personal; it was like Max was having a conversation about her adventures with me. I also liked the part where they get to fly. Thanks to this book if anyone asks what I want for a superpower, I want to be able to fly! I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a fast series.

The Maze Runner

Title: The Maze Runner

Author: James Dashner

375 Pages

Genre: Dystopian, series, adventure/survival

Date read: November 2019 (Seventh grade)

Synopsis: Thomas wakes up in a box knowing nothing but his name. When the box opens, a crowd of boys surrounds him. They tell him that he is in the glade. They are stuck in the middle of a maze with no known way out. Everyday the Runners go out and brave the dangers of the maze in hopes to find an exit. Supplies come weekly, and a new boy comes every month. After Thomas comes, things in the maze start to change for the worse.


Review: I really enjoyed all the adventure of the book. I thought it was very well written. It was very exciting, and it had me on the edge of my seat for the whole book. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a good adventure survival book, or one with friendship.


Title: Legend

Author: Marie Lu

352 Pages

Genre: Science Fiction. Adventure/survival, Romance

Date read: April 2019 (Sixth Grade)

Synopsis: When a Day steals medicine that he badly needs for his little brother, he crosses paths with a June’s older brother. June is a rich girl born into the military circles. Day is the most wanted criminal in the country. When June goes undercover to find more about the mysterious criminal Day, she finds that he’s not what he seems….

5 stars

Review: I gave this book a 5 star rating because I thought this book was so well done. It had science fiction in it, but not too much. It had relatable characters, and mystery to it as well. It had two main characters that you come to care about. I liked the combination of mystery, science fiction, and adventure/survival. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a trilogy to get hooked on to. I couldn’t put this book down!

A Night Divided

By Jennifer Nielsen

336 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction, Adventure/survival

Date read: October 2018 (Sixth Grade)

Synopsis: Gerta from East Berlin’s family was separated. Her brother and father crossed the border, and the wall went up, separating the family. She sees her father dancing on the other side of the wall one day. She discovers that it has a meaning. What her father told her will change her life forever.

3.5 stars

Review: I gave this book a 3.5 star rating because I really enjoyed the book once I got hooked. The hook came a bit late for me, and it was very hard to keep reading. Once it got interesting, I was able to finish it with ease. I also enjoyed the time period in which this book takes place. I have never read a book in this time period. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants adventure, mixed with suspense, mixed with history!

Ready Player One

By Ernest Cline

385 pages

Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure/survival

Date read: October 2018 (Sixth Grade)

Synopsis: Wade Watts loves games. He especially loves the online virtual reality, the OASIS. He’s also a gunter. This means that ever since the creator of the OASIS died, he looks for the Easter eggs that will lead to his fortune. The first person to find all three keys, and unlock three gates, wins. Wade suddenly stumbles upon the first key, and everyone is suddenly on a mission to finish the creator’s last game. Wade encounters many dangers.

4.5 stars

Review: I gave this book a 4.5 star rating because it had a really good adventure element to it, and that made it really thrilling. One thing that I didn’t like, is there were some slow spots. These weren’t incredibly hard to overcome though. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes science fiction, or adventure. You won’t be able to put the book down!

The Neptune Project

By Polly Holyoke

352 pages

Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure/survival

Date read: August 2017 (Fifth Grade)

Synopsis: Teenage Nere Hanson is living a normal life in the future, where global warming is a huge problem. She finds out that her body has been altered so that she can survive under the waves. Suddenly, her past all begins to make sense. Her life has been leading up to this journey. Nere and two others set off to find a colony of kids that are like them, genetically altered to live under the sea. Her journey will change her life forever.

5 stars

Review: I gave this book a 5 star rating because I really enjoyed all of the twists and turns that these kids encountered. I also enjoyed all of the reveals about what was going on, since that added a lot to the book. The book kept surprising me, and I could hardly ever tell what was going to happen. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure, or the ocean!