Fish in a Tree

Title: Fish in a Tree

Author: Lynda Mullaly Hunt

320 Pages

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Date read: 2017 (Fifth Grade)

Synopsis: Whenever Ally moves schools, she is very clever. She is able to hide her inability to read from everyone by being disruptive. She doesn’t ask for help with reading from anyone. Her newest teacher sees how smart Ally really is, and they begin on a journey Ally thought would never be possible.

4 Stars

Review: I thought this book was really well written. Ally was a very relatable main character. When I first heard about the book, I was interested because I can’t imagine my life without words, books, and reading. I liked this book for a different reason than most books; I liked it because I wasn’t able to relate to it and got to explore something new. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a good realistic fiction or something different.