Among the Hidden

Title: Among the Hidden

Author: Margaret Peterson Haddix

153 Pages

Genre: Science fiction, dystopian

Date read: August 2019 (Seventh Grade)

Synopsis: Luke is a third child. That basically means that he’s illegal. In the word that Luke lives in, parents are allowed two children. He has to hide every minute of his life, can’t go outside, and doesn’t know anyone outside his family. There has always been a forest outside Luke’s house. That changes when it is chopped down to make room for houses for Barons. One day he sees a shadow in a house. He was sure that everyone in the family had left for work. What he decides to do about it will forever impact his life…

4 stars

Review: What really made this book was the intensity. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest during certain parts of the book. It felt horrible to put myself in Luke’s shoes because he’s forced to hide his whole life. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes intense books, dystopian books, or wants to try something new!