The Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library

Title: The Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library

Author: Chris Grabenstein

288 pages

Genre: Realistic fiction

Date read: March 2017 (Fourth Grade)

Synopsis: Kyle Keeley has loved games his whole life, so, naturally, he’s ecstatic when his favorite game creator, the bazillionaire, Mr. Lemoncello, opens his new library in the town. He also is letting twelve 12 year olds play his latest game. All he has to do is write an essay. If Kyle can get into the game and win it, it’ll change his life!!

5 stars

Review: I really liked this book mostly because of all the book references used. It was really nice when I understood the reference. I also liked the characters. I can find someone in my life who is similar to any character in the book. The book also made me feel really good when I finished. It made me feel like anything was possible. I would recommend this book to anyone who truly enjoys reading and has read a lot of books.