Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus

Title: Insignificant Events in the Life of A Cactus

Author: Dusti Bowling

Pages: 272

Genre: Realistic Fiction, Mystery

Date read: November 2018 (Sixth Grade)

Synopsis: Aven was born without arms. Everyone at her school is used to it since they have been together at the same school from such a young age. But when Aven’s father gets a new job causing them to move, no one at her new school is used to someone with no arms. She struggles to find her place in school. As she explores her new home, a mystery unravels. She finds out that her new home is not what it seems.

4 stars

Review: I gave this book a 4 star rating because I really enjoyed the book’s plot. The Realistic Fiction with a mystery element was very intriguing, and I didn’t want to put the book down. Aven’s humor was also a nice touch to the book. The title was very clever, and it was mentioned quite a few times. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a fast read, or a good mystery.