A Night Divided

By Jennifer Nielsen

336 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction, Adventure/survival

Date read: October 2018 (Sixth Grade)

Synopsis: Gerta from East Berlin’s family was separated. Her brother and father crossed the border, and the wall went up, separating the family. She sees her father dancing on the other side of the wall one day. She discovers that it has a meaning. What her father told her will change her life forever.

3.5 stars

Review: I gave this book a 3.5 star rating because I really enjoyed the book once I got hooked. The hook came a bit late for me, and it was very hard to keep reading. Once it got interesting, I was able to finish it with ease. I also enjoyed the time period in which this book takes place. I have never read a book in this time period. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants adventure, mixed with suspense, mixed with history!